Customer responses
We regularly receive responses from our customers, and with the website going live in June 2019 we are reviving this page. Read here the experiences that our customers share with us. As a token of thanks we place a link to the customer's website. To navigate faster to an article you can click here on an article of your choice:
- The faith
- Spongebobs birthday
- Sponsoring the Ronald McDonald Kinderfonds
- Twenteq metaltechnic
- UPS shipment
- Labyrint Three-country point
The faith.
Our mirrors are regularly rented to "the faith". The different churches and religious communities deal with it differently, but we noticed one thing very clearly and that is that the mirrors are used to let you experience the distortions as your own "distorted" self-image. A straight mirror is placed next to the distorted mirrors, because that is how GOD sees you. Just the way you are. This is the reason that we are the only distorting mirror rental company who rent out a straight mirror. By the way, it is remarkable what people see in the straight mirror as long as they do not know that it is not actually a distorting mirror ...... (do not tell further!)
Now I had a nice conversation with a client about the application of distorting mirrors within the faith and he told me a little more about it and also sent me this text: click here and read on.
Spongebobs birthday.
We are proud that we have been asked to Spongebob's birthday party to deliver a set of distorting mirrors. Below the reaction from PR STUNT, the agency that brought us in:
Hi Ronald,
My colleagues told me that everything went well and that the kids loved the mirrors!
Hereby a small photo collage from Saturday. On the photos it looks really super. All photos will be on the Nickelodeon site today or tomorrow.
Thanks for the great cooperation and maybe until a next stunt!
Sponsoring the Ronald McDonald childrenfund has donated a distorting mirror to the Ronald McDonald Kinderfonds and it will be placed in the VUmc Kinderstad in Amsterdam. To be able to place the distorting mirror free-standing and to make it mobile, we have also offered to sponsor the chassis with a 50% discount. Hereby the enthusiastic response:
Dear Thea,
We think it is a great solution and we are happy to use it. Absolutely great! We are very happy with it ..... It is also something we don't have at all yet, but it fits well with our target group. Do you want to put it into operation further? When we have received the distorting mirror we will put a photo on our facebook and send it to the children's fund. Thank you also on behalf of our young visitors.
Nicole van den Kroonenberg
Assistent Stadhouder
Reaction Twenteq. Twentec has rented 3 distorting mirrors for use at the TIV fair in Hardenberg from 6 to 9 Sept. 2011:
We were the three companies Twenteq, Hawo and Haarhuis at the TIV in Hardenberg 2011. We talked about an eye catcher in advance. In our consultation we have come up with a set of distorting mirrors. You can immediately approach people and humor is the best medicine. We then started looking for what these mirrors cost. After a short search we arrived at You could even rent them cheaply there !. That was ideal for us. They were delivered on location and also picked up again. All in all, we had a very successful exhibition thanks to If you are curious about our company or have any questions: Totally great !!
Wim ten Hove Twenteq BV
UPS shipment
Some time ago a shipment that was sent via UPS arrived in Belgium badly damaged. As a result, we still had to drive to Belgium ourselves to exchange the mirrors so that the customer could do his rental job. Optimal service from our side which has cost a lot of money. The result is that today we prefer to do all the episodes ourselves. Unfortunately, this is not always possible and we have recently sent another shipment via UPS. I asked the customer how the package arrived:
Aloha Ronald,
We have indeed received the mirror, there was nothing wrong with it, the box did not even have a scratch. This delivery went well and Rob is very happy, wow, what does he look like in the mirror, really funny. Thank you for everything and who knows until next time.
Anja Schoormans

Labyrinth Three-country point
At the start of 2011, delivered 3 very beautiful distorting mirrors to the Labyrinth at the three-country point. Naturally, pictures of it now appear on the internet and we have already seen this. And another photo posted on the internet of our supplied distorting mirrors at the Labyrinth on the Drielandenpunt, Here you can nicely see the color difference that takes place in the douglashout by the effect of the UV radiation on the wood. (Click on the picture to enlarge.)